Wellness with a Holistic Approach

More than 150 years ago Abraham Lincoln uttered a sentence that holds true today more than ever. He said, “most people are going to be about as happy as they want to be.” Over 2,000 years ago Aristotle wrote a 400 page treatise on the meaning of happiness. These and other examples show that the search for happiness is hardly a recent phenomenon. What has changed recently is the approach to finding happiness. Today holistic methods consider the whole body, meaning the physical, the emotional, the social, the spiritual and the intellectual wellness of the individual, or the Whole Body.  Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? If you get into a beautiful new metallic blue corvette with a faulty engine you’re not going to get far with it. Holistic methods, such as our classes chaired by Kim Conway and Judy Ryan, emphasize the importance in the relationship between all 5 aspects mentioned above.

The physical aspect, being the most obvious, is discussed with emphasis placed on exercise (30 minutes of walking briskly just 3 times per week can show a significant result), eating healthy and getting enough sleep at night. The hectic pace of life today can cause people to forget the importance of these regimens. Let Kim and Judy show you how to avoid the 5 napkin greasy burger or ways to ensure enough sleep at night.

Emotionally it is ever more important today to maintain a positive attitude, especially when problems arise. We’ve all witnessed the mother juggling job, parenting and household issues. Some show a very positive attitude toward life while others exhibit a frenetic “how am I to do all this” approach.  Let our wise team help you discover your personal stress reliever while managing your time wisely thus helping lower stress.

Socially, spiritually and intellectually the importance of getting involved in various clubs and knowing who your best friends are contribute to your overall sense of well being. Setting aside private time for yourself is super important. Reading a book, magazine or items that interest you on line, going to a park to take in nature’s beauty, or just sitting and thinking about the meaning of your life are all factors in living a healthy lifestyle. 

Classes begin soon as we at A Healing Touch at IPT continue striving to help those live a longer, happier and more fulfilled life. Come join us on our journey to holistic wellness! 

Judy Ryan